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Great Advice For Asthma Sufferers That Works

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Posted on: 07/23/22

Asthma can be a scary affliction to deal with. Not being able to breathe properly can lead to a lot of anxiety and fear. Working together with your doctor and taking care of yourself are key ways to keep your asthma in check. This article is a list of ideas that you can implement that may help to keep your asthma under better control.

You do not have to be physically inactive just because you have asthma. Unlike decades ago, when asthma treatments were few and far between, there are plenty of different asthma inhalers and medications that you can take prior to and after performing physical activities. Ask your doctor for the best treatment for your specific needs.

If you are an asthmatic, it is vital that you never smoke, and if you already do, you should quit as soon as possible. When smoke enters your lungs it cuts off your oxygen supply, and if you suffer from asthma it can make breathing extremely difficult, and result in an increased number of attacks.

If you have asthma and you get a cold try to avoid decongestant medication. These medications can cause heart palpitations in asthma patients and worsen asthma symptoms. Go to your doctor when you get a cold and they will be able to prescribe the medications that are safe to use.

If you suffer from asthma, you might want to check if you have any allergies to certain foods or your environment. There are many things that could contribute such as pets, cleaning products, feather pillows or bed, even certain perfumes. Dairy products as well as refined foods like white flour and sugar likely causes.

Raw apple cider vinegar is an excellent treatment for those who suffer from asthma. Mix two tablespoons with eight ounces of water or apple juice and drink up to three times daily. If you use water, honey can be added to make it more palatable. Look for raw apple cider vinegar in the health food section of most grocery stores.

If you have asthma, figure out what your triggers are. Indoor or outdoor allergens can trigger an asthma attack. If you know what your triggers are, you can remove them from your environment or take steps to avoid them. Educating yourself is the first step toward avoiding an asthma attack.


If you have asthma, you should be cautious when starting exercise or workout programs. In the worst case scenario, the increased respiratory activity from exercise will induce an asthma attack. Whenever you involve yourself in a new exercise program, even if it is something as simple as jogging, you should take it slowly and be certain that at every step of the way, you are not doing something that your body cannot handle.

If you are dealing with asthma, be especially careful with exercise routines. The faster, deeper breathing brought on by most sorts of exercise can be hard to take for an asthma sufferer. You should always ease your way into a new exercise program, keeping careful tabs on your respiration and watching out for asthma symptoms.

If you plan on exercising, use your inhaler about fifteen minutes before your workout time, and then carry it with you. This will give you a period of time in which you should be safe to exercise without adverse effects. Of course you should speak to your physician before starting an exercise program.

Controlling asthma isnt always as hard as it seems. Make sure that you take care of yourself in getting the proper amount of rest, diet, and exercise, in addition to keeping your environment dust and mold free. If you follow the tips and suggestions that were outlined here, you may be able to see some significant results in how you feel, within a short period of time.

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